Here is an army I am working on, in the process of getting it all in the mail:
Thousand Sons
Demon Prince Warptime MoT Wings
Demon Prince Warptime MoT Wings
9x Thousand Sons Sorc w Doom bolt
9x Thousand Sons Sorc w Doom bolt
5x MoT Termies, Lightning Claws, combi meltas Champ
Land Raider DP
Land Raider DP
Land Raider DP
2000 pts.
Tiny, weak army, but at the same time maximizing resilience (for Thousand Sons at least) in the form of 3 land raiders (2 scoring) and 4+ invul save models.
One DP is the Vrock:

The other is Arhiman on a medium base with possessed wings. He is actually fairly large and fits on a medium base very well.
The Thousand Sons are of course Thousand Sons models, but they will use loyalist arms, legs, and backpacks. I just dont like the chaos backpacks and legs on anything but khorne. Too old school and toyish for me personally. On Khorne, definitely, spiky bits all over.
The Terminators are Ushabti:

The combi meltas will be represented by sculpted "digital laser" eyepeices.
And of course the Land Raiders will be blue with some yellow striping. A lot like the Iron Warriors, which will be awesome to have side by side in Apoc games.
Not competitive at all, but I think I could win my fair share of games with it and it will be fun to make.