So I decided to apply it towards a fantasy army. The rules in the Fantasy army book seem to represent this model better, at least when compared to the rest of the models he would face. Fantasy also tends to have a lot more "stat upgrade" options.
So here is a rough list so far:
- Firestorm Blade
- Obsidian Armor
- Immortal Fury
There are so many options for the Thirster that I imagine I will change them up a lot. For fun games, I see myself taking just Dark Insanity (2d6+2 attacks) and Immortal Fury (reroll missed hits). Thats one angry dude.

Skulltaker on Juggernaught

Herald on Juggernaught
- Armor of Khorne
- Firestorm Blade
I was advised to take some Juggernaughts by a friend. I see their use after thinking it over and they are very tough and hard hitting. 0+ save and St 7 flaming attacks. The skulltaker is just a great deal for the points and a lot of fun.

6 Flesh Hounds
6 Flesh Hounds
6 Flesh Hounds
I love flesh hounds, they are just so hard hitting and hard to kill. MR3 is great, and protects them from whatever magic might get thrown at them first turn before the charge. They are your traditional flanking cav unit that is hard hitting enough to handle a lot of units from the front.
10 Bloodletters
-Icon of Endless War
10 Bloodletters
-Icon of Endless War
10 Bloodletters
These will be regular Bloodletter models and form the core of the army. Another option is to drop the upgrades and make it 4 units of 10. Not sure on that one, testing will be required.
The overall scheme will be white, pale flesh with purple and red undertones, with red armor and silver trim. The army will be on these resin bases with the green painted red to represent blood: