This is what I would play in Ard Boyz. I think this would do very well. It is something of an expansion of the guard I have now.
CCS 4x Plasma OoTF Astropath
Chimera HHF
CCS 4x Melta (Vendetta)
Inquisitor Hood, Emporers Tarot, Heirophant, 2x Mystics (In Vendetta if enemy has deep strikers otherwise in Vet Chimera
Veterans 3x Plasma Lascannon
Chimera HHF
Veterans 3x Melta Lascannon
Chimera HHF
Veterans 3x Melta Lascannon
Chimera HHF
Veterans 3x Flamer Lascannon
Chimera HHF
Veterans 3x Melta (Vendetta unless I need the =I= in it)
Platoon Command 4x Flamer (Valkyrie)
Infantry Squad Autocannon
Chimera HHF
Infantry Squad Autocannon
Chimera HHF
Valkyrie Pods
2x Hydra
2x Hydra
2x Medusa HHF Enclosed
8 Chimeras with heavy weapons screen the 4 Hydras and Medusas
Flamer Valk outflanks. Melta vets and CCS scout, unless there are heavy deep striking elements to my opponents army and then the =I= rides in place of the Vets. Everything else just shoots the crap out of the enemy. LD9 hood helps vs psychic powers, mystics for deep strikers.
I think it would be really nasty. I would make it out of Cadians just for Ard Boyz if I had the time, then sell them later.