Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Regimental Fire and Fury - The Table Part 2

Hello out there!

The building is done and everything is dry, time to get to painting.  The paint for this one is backseat to what will be the real heavyweight of the final look - the flocking, so this is mostly setup for the finished effect.  Let's just get to it though.

First thing to do is a varied but opaque and thick undercoat.  The biggest mistake most people make is starting at a dark or medium tone, and trying to simply drybrush up.  Many steps of a watercolor technique layering over each other, and varying color like in nature, makes anything look more like nature.

Step two on the left, three on the right top corner.  Taking things darker, and keeping it varied.

Little darker tones and working more specifically.  Will pick out a rock or foot square area and work in various colors. At this point it is better to work in chunks than the entire table at once.

A little bit of two stage drybrushing about now to pick up lost small rocks, vary the riverbed etc.

Getting to the final steps, I will do the same thing but in one step.  A very light high final drybrush in varying straight grey to ochre tint to the white, and then a last shade color from black to browns and ochres.

And all done!  A good setup for what will be a ton of flock work, but that will be the nest post.  See you then for grass, fields, bushes, and trees!